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Mid- to Long-term Strategic Policy for 2030

The PERSOL Group will offer much greater value and grow further amid various environmental changes to come in order to contribute to sustainable society. To achieve that, PERSOL has developed the value creation story (mid- and long-term business plan) for the period through 2030.

Value Creation Story

To realize our Group Vision “Work and Smile”, we have designed a cycle of corporate activities and social contributions as our value creation story. We make our promises to transforming society and further sophisticate the accumulated resources of creating values as our strength, which will lead to the growth of our business activities.
As a consequence, we will improve our social and economic values to create new value. At the same time, it will contribute to the achievement of SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals) adopted by the United Nations.

Overview of the PERSOL Group Mid-term Management Plan 2026

The PERSOL Group will offer much greater value and continue to grow amid the environmental changes to come, aspiring to contribute to a sustainable society. In accordance with the Value Creation Story for 2030 (Medium- to Long-term Strategic Policy), we have adopted the PERSOL Group Mid-term Management Plan 2026 as a strategy from FY2023 to FY2025.

- Based on our Corporate Philosophy of Providing Opportunity, Individual Growth, and Social Contribution, we will create better work opportunities for one million people by 2030 by expanding human possibilities as a "Career Well-being" creation company, aiming to achieve the Group Vision, "Work and Smile."

- To achieve this, we have made the evolution into a technology-driven HR service company as the direction of our management and we will operate businesses in five Strategic Business Units (SBUs): Staffing, BPO, Technology, Career, and APAC.

- We will continue to accelerate business growth by continuing to enhance our capability of recruiting people, capability of connecting people with organizations, and capability of designing businesses as competitive advantages of the overall Group, and at the same time, positioning human capital, technologies, and learning as business growth engines.

Who we want to be (what we aim to be like as a company)

Reflecting the power shift of individuals, including employment mobility and the diversification of workstyles and values related to work, we are entering an era when people seek Career Well-being, meaning the happiness felt by a worker through their own work. At the PERSOL Group, we aim to be a "Career Well-being" creation company, which expands the happiness of individuals and society by extending the possibilities of each individual and the freedom of working, aiming to achieve the Group Vision, "Work and Smile."

Goal of value creation

We have set "creating work opportunities by 2030" as the milestone for achieving the Group Vision. Specifically, we have set "creating better work opportunities for one million people by 2030 by expanding the possibilities of people" as the goal of our value creation, which we will aim to achieve.

Direction of management

We are entering an era when the evolution of management through collaborative creation by people and technologies is demanded, reflecting the rapid evolution of technologies. We will evolve into a technology-driven HR service company, which achieves non-continuous growth with products and digitalization by maximizing the intervention value of people as the PERSOL Group's human capital, while at the same time making maximum use of the data and technologies that we possess at the Group.

Competitive advantages and business growth engines

We will strengthen our three capabilities through integrated efforts by the Group, aiming to create better work opportunities.

Capability of recruiting people: Improving the ability to develop digital media and products and increase brand power to achieve customer satisfaction and trust
Capability of connecting people with organizations: Providing better work opportunities by introducing and strengthening technologies
Capability of designing businesses: Responding to diversifying customer needs and expectations by enhancing our ability to design businesses and provide digital solutions

In addition, we have set the following three business growth engines for enabling more powerful growth of businesses by the five Strategic Business Units (SBUs): Staffing, BPO, Technology, Career, and APAC.

- Human capital: Driving value creation by becoming a Group where diverse human resources achieve Career Well-being
- Technologies: Enhancing technology-oriented human resources and organizations to strengthen implementation and utilization in businesses and services
- Learning: Implementing learning linked closely with working, to accelerate the growth of each business

Vision towards 2030

At the PERSOL Group, we have been creating work opportunities by operating various businesses, including job placement and media businesses, based on a temporary staffing business as our founding business.
We are entering an era when workers seek well-being and collaborative creation by people and technologies is expected. In this era, we believe that the PERSOL Group also needs to achieve further business growth and evolution while also adapting to a changing society and improving the sources of value creation it has cultivated to date.
We will create better work opportunities for one million people by 2023 and realize "Work and Smile," by expanding possibilities of people as a "Career Well-being" creation company.

Businesses and finance as an inseparable pair for management

In the “PERSOL Group Mid-term Management Plan 2026,” in order to enhance corporate value, we have divided our financial strategy into three areas: “key financial strategic indicators,” “cash allocation,” and “shareholder returns,” and clarified the targets to be achieved for each.
We will promote management that emphasizes efficiency and balanced cash allocation among business, capital investment, and dividends.
We will strengthen our dialogue with the capital market and IR activities, and will be more proactive in shareholder return.

The following is a response to the request from the Tokyo Stock Exchange in March 2023 for all listed companies on the Prime and Standard markets to achieve cost of capital and stock price conscious management.

Basic Policy on Governance

The PERSOL Group will exert continued efforts for the improvement of its corporate governance as the foundation for all efforts to realize sustainable corporate growth and the increase of corporate value over the mid-to long-term and solve social issues through its businesses.

Policy on Corporate Governance

Strengthened the monitoring function of the Board
  • Shifted to a monitoring-focused Board.
  • Made the ratio of Independent Directors at least half in principle.
  • Established a voluntary Nomination and Compensation Committee which shall be composed of a majority of Independent Directors
Accelerated management decision-making
  • Delegated the decision-making on business to the CEO(*1).
  • Established the Investment Committee under the HMC(*2) to deliberate from a specialist viewpoint on significant business investments in order to assist the HMC’s decision-making.
Establishment of HMC
  • Established the HMC to assist the CEO in decision-making.
  • The decisions on the execution of important operations delegated to the CEO by the Board shall be decided by the CEO on the condition that the HMC has made an affirmative resolution.

*1 CEO=Chief Executive Officer
*2 HMC=Headquarters Management Committee

Policy on Group Governance

Accelerated management decision-making by shifting to an SBU structure
  • Appropriately delegated the decision-making on business to each SBU.
  • The main roles of the headquarters include promotion of corporate strategies for the entire group, optimal allocation of management resources, creation of synergies between subsidiaries, and oversight of subsidiaries.
Strengthened Group's internal control systems
  • Constructed a group-wide framework for oversight of subsidiaries.
  • Established internal four committees under the HMC to deliberate significant group-wide matters; Investment Committee, Risk Management Committee, Human Resources Committee, Technology Committee(*1), Gender Diversity Committee(*2) and Sustainability Committee(*3),Staff Well-Being Committee(*4).

*1 Technology Committee established in October 2020
*2 Gender Diversity Committee established in September 2021
*3 Sustainability Committee established in March 2022
*4 Staff Well-Being Committee established in Junuary 2023

Major Group-wide Committees

The Sustainability CommitteeDeliberate on and monitor the Group's sustainability policies, strategies and measures (chairperson: CEO).
The Investment CommitteeDeliberate on important matters related to the Group's overall investment (M&A) projects (chairperson: CFO [*1]).
The Risk Management CommitteeDeliberate on the overall risk management of the Group (chairperson: CLO [*2]).
The Technology CommitteeDeliberate on the Group's technology strategy and related management resources (chairperson: CIO [*3]).
The Human Resources CommitteeDeliberate on the Group's human resources strategy and succession planning for key talent (chairperson: CHRO [*4]).
The Gender Diversity CommitteeDeliberate on the Group’s strategies to promote the advancement of women and related key strategies.
Staff Well-Being CommitteeDeliberates on matters related to human capital management of the Group's temporary staff (chairperson: CHRO [*4]).

*1 CFO=Chief Financial Officer
*2 CLO=Chief Legal Officer
*3 CIO=Chief Information Officer
*4 CHRO=Chief Human Resources Officer