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Crisis Management

Basic Approach of Crisis Management

The PERSOL Group has established the Group Crisis Management Rules and has been strengthening crisis management, aiming to minimize the significant negative impact that a crisis would have on the Group’s management and business activities, and to quickly resolve any crisis.
Furthermore, when it comes to natural disasters and other emergencies, the PERSOL Group places top priority on the safety and well-being of its employees and temporary staff.

Crisis Management System / Reporting Process

If an incident, such as a large-scale natural disaster, compliance violation, or cyberattack, occurs and is deemed a crisis, the department in charge of the incident promptly shares the information with the HMC members and the Group risk management division of PERSOL HOLDINGS, and they make a timely and appropriate response, depending on the type of incident and its impact.

Additionally, if the Representative Director, President and CEO of PERSOL Holdings determines that a crisis is particularly serious, an Emergency Response Headquarters will be established within PERSOL HOLDINGS. The Emergency Response Headquarters consists of specialized response teams according to the type of crisis, coordinating efforts across the Group and ensuring that appropriate information is disclosed to stakeholders.

Initiatives for Major Earthquakes and Other Natural Disasters

In preparation for major earthquakes, such as a Tokyo in-land earthquake or a Nankai Trough earthquake, we have implemented an IT-based system for gathering disaster information. We have also implemented an automated system to gather data on employee safety and the status of our facilities in affected areas, ensuring swift and efficient initial disaster response. We also conduct an annual drill for all group employees to practice using the safety confirmation system, as well as drills for the Emergency Response Headquarters to ensure the proper flow of information and assess the disaster situation. Furthermore, considering the possibility that the Tokyo metropolitan area could become dysfunctional, we have established a backup function for the Emergency Response Headquarters in Osaka. We are also working to build and maintain a business continuity system through regular drills.

We have also established a business continuity plan for salary payments, and through regular drills, we are committed to helping employees, including temporary staff, maintain their livelihoods even in a crisis.

In the APAC region, we are working to safeguard the safety and health of our employees by implementing safety measures and training for local employees, including Japanese expatriates, providing medical support, and establishing protocols for confirming employee safety in emergencies. These measures are in place not only for natural disasters but also for political and social instability, war, and terrorism. We are also strengthening our response by regularly reviewing our business continuity plan and conducting ongoing drills.