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Business glossary


Adjusted EPS

EPS is an abbreviation for Earnings Per Share. Our company uses adjusted EPS as a dividend policy indicator because it is based on the current net profit before goodwill amortization and excludes the effects of extraordinary profits and losses, and it is expected to ensure relatively stable dividend distribution levels over time. It is calculated as follows.
Adjusted EPS = Current net profit after adjustment*1 / (average number of shares issued during the period - average number of treasury shares during the period)
*1: Current net profit after adjustment = Current net profit attributable to owners of parent company ± Adjusted items (excluding those attributable to noncontrolling interests)*2 ± tax reconciliation related to certain adjustment items
*2: Amortization of intangible assets except goodwill by acquisitions, amortization of goodwill, extraordinary income/losses

Asia Pacific SBU

The Asia Pacific SBU optimally connects people and organizations in the Asia-Pacific region by fully leveraging the business resources of PERSOLKELLY, a JV in Asia and Programmed, a subsidiary in Australia and New Zealand. In addition to temporary staffing and permanent placement, the Asia Pacific SBU offers a wide range of equipment/facility maintenance services, outsourcing services and HR management consulting services.



An abbreviation for Business Process Outsourcing. It is commissioning an outside business to do part of work. It is different from typical outsourcing in that a broader scope of work may be involved and outsourcing is utilized more strategically.


Career SBU

The Career SBU optimally connects people and organizations through permanent placement and career change media. The Career SBU provides a wide range of recruiting services centered on PERSOL CAREER, including permanent placement services, recruiting media operations, career change and employment support, government office employment support, and recruitment and management support.


A work style aiming to completing works under instructions from a company which has undertaken certain work (contractor) for an orderer (ordering company). Staff members working in contracting settings enter into employment relationships with the contractors and receive work instructions from them. Wages are paid by the contractors which have those employment relationships. This is different from dispatching in that there is no employment relationship between the orderer and the worker, and the orderer is not in a position to give direct work instructions to the worker.

Corporate Alumni

A community of former employees of a company. It is receiving attention as a new type of relationship between a company and its former employees, and it is becoming more common to retain relationships with their former employers to create new values and businesses.


DI&E (Diversity, Inclusion & Equality)

Diversity: Equal employment opportunities, diverse work styles.
Inclusion: Inclusion of and respect for every individual.
Equality: Being equal. Equal rights and interests.
The PERSOL Group promotes DI&E initiatives to realize "Work, and Smile," taking a threefold approach to diversity, including "attributes," "values," and "competence."

Digital transformation (DX)

A company's effort to reform its products, services, and business models as well as its businesses themselves, organizations, processes, and corporate cultures based on the needs of its customers and the society, using data and digital technologies, in response to drastic changes in its business environment, in order to establish competitive advantages (a definition released by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in 2018). For PERSOL Group, too, DX investment is one of the important ongoing themes.

Direct recruiting (direct sourcing)

A form of recruitment activity in which company managements, managers, human resources representatives, or recruitment managers directly find and approach persons who will meet their own needs. The "doda Recruiters" and "MIIDAS" are available from PERSOL Group.

Dispatching under a definite-term contract

A form of employment in which an individual is dispatched to a client company for a predetermined period and concludes an employment contract with the staffing company for that period only. The employment contract with the staffing company terminates simultaneously at the end of business in the client company. Its advantages include "flexible work styles based on individual preferences."

Dispatching under an indefinite-term contract

A form of employment in which an individual works as a temporary staff, concluding an employment contract for an indefinite term. Its advantages include "no contract period breaks which ensure stable income" and "opportunities to work in the same company or section for a long term which help skill improvement and long-term career development."

Dividend payout ratio

An indicator of how much of the profit for a given period was appropriated to the payment of dividends. Our company's basic policy is a dividend payout ratio of 25%, with the profit on which the ratio calculation is based being adjusted EPS.


Employment rate of persons with disabilities (legal employment rate)

In the interest of stable employment of persons with disabilities, the Act on Employment Promotion, etc. of Persons with Disabilities requires private-sector companies, the national and local governments, etc. to hire persons with disabilities at rates greater than or equal to the specified (legal) employment rate. This legal rate varies according to the employer's classification.

Engagement survey

A survey on and visualization of how employees are affectionately and mentally connected to their company.
A company can expect performance and productivity increases as it has more employees with high engagement who think they want to "contribute to the company's profits." Employee satisfaction is substantially different from engagement in that increases in it do not necessarily lead to performance increases for the company.

Equal pay for equal work

A concept introduced into the work style reform legislation enforced in April 2020 (or April 2021 for small and medium-sized enterprises) with a view to eliminating unreasonable treatment gaps between so-called regular employees (full-time workers employed for an indefinite term) and non-regular employees (workers employed for a definite term, part-time workers, and dispatched workers) in the same companies/organizations.



An abbreviation for Headquarters Management Committee, which is an assembly corresponding to a management meeting. It assists Representative Director, President and CEO and discusses basic management policies and important executive decisions for PERSOL Group. It has several subordinate organs for HMC, including Investment Committee, Risk Management Committee, Human Resources Committee, Technology Committee, Gender Diversity Committee and Sustainability Committee, in order to enhance the effectiveness of the group's internal control systems.


An abbreviation for Human Resources. It is generally used to mean these resources (personnel). It can also refer to personnel-related businesses in general, including not only recruiting but also personnel management.

HR tech

A word coined from HR and technology. It refers to a service intended to improve the efficiency and quality of all types of personnel-related processes from recruiting to development, evaluation, and assignment, using artificial intelligence (AI), the Big Data, clouds, and other cutting-edge technologies.


Incubation program

An initiative to provide various forms of support to venture companies etc. which are seeking to launch new businesses. In PERSOL Group, R&D Function Unit operates "Innovation Structure Strengthening Program 'Drit'," a new business creation program for individuals.


Number of active workers

The number of dispatched staffs currently working at client companies in Staffing SBU's temporary staffing business.


Online for-hire advertising

An upfront-investment-type business involving the posting of for-hire advertisements from companies at career change seekers' information websites. The PERSOL Group posts job information at our career change seekers' information website "doda."

Operating rate

An indicator of what percentage of the engineers in Technology SBU employed by PERSOL Group is engaged. It is calculated by dividing the number of engaged engineers by the number of employed engineers.


Placement service

The business of introducing matching career change seekers based on job information from companies. At PERSOL Group, this business is primarily conducted under the "doda" brand.

POS register

POS is an abbreviation for Point of Sale and means "information management at the point of sales." It refers to a system which records and calculates goods sales on an item-by-item basis. POS registers are cash registers equipped with POS systems and are used in all sorts of facilities around the country, such as supermarkets, convenience stores, drugstores, apparel shops, and hotels. The PERSOL Group provides POS register service "POS+."


R&D Function Unit (Former Solution SBU)

The R&D Function Unit expands the potential of people by transforming cutting-edge technologies into services with solutions premised on the utilization of digital technology, including a career change app and a Cloud POS system. The core company, PERSOL INNOVATION, promotes the creation of new businesses and open innovation from a wide perspective that is not bound by existing business domains.


An abbreviation for Return On Invested Capital. It is a financial indicator which measures how efficiently return can be gained on invested capital. Our company calculates it by the formula "net operating profit after tax before amortization of goodwill / invested capital (=interest-bearing liabilities + equity capital)," and 15% or more (JGAAP) is the target in principle during the period of the mid-term management plan 2026.


RPA is an abbreviation for robotic process automation. It refers to a system in which routine tasks which have conventionally been done by humans on personal computers, such as simple data inputting and extraction, are automatically done by robots.



An abbreviation for Strategic Business Unit. Effective from April 2020, PERSOL Group introduced five SBUs, namely, Staffing SBU, Career SBU, Professional Outsourcing SBU, Solution SBU, and Asia Pacific SBU, in order to achieve both quicker business decision making and more effective governance systems. Subsequently, in April 2023, the SBU structure was changed to five SBUs: Staffing SBU, BPO SBU, Technology SBU, Career SBU, and Asia Pacific SBU.


An abbreviation for Sustainable Development Goals. International goals for creating a sustainable, better world by 2030 as described in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted at the United Nations summit in September 2015. They are composed of 17 different goals and 169 different targets. The PERSOL Group is committed to five key SDGs, namely, "4. QUALITY EDUCATION," "5. GENDER EQUALITY," "8. DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH," "9. INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE," and "10. REDUCED INEQUALITIES."

Special subsidiary

A subsidiary company which pays special attention when making employment decisions in order to promote and stabilize the employment of persons with disabilities. If a subsidiary company is recognized as such, persons with disabilities hired by it may be included in the calculation of the real disabled persons employment rate for its parent company and the group of companies it belongs to. In PERSOL Group, PERSOL Diverse is a special subsidiary and undertakes various operations for both group and non-group companies.

Staffing SBU

The Staffing SBU optimally connects people and organizations mainly through temporary staffing and outsourcing services. With PERSOL TEMPSTAFF at its core, the Staffing SBU provides comprehensive temporary staffing services that encompass a wide range of fields from clerical work to specialized fields, as well as outsourcing, sales support services and temporary job placement ahead of permanent employment/permanent placement businesses.


"Being able to be sustained." This term is used in a broad range of areas: environment, society, economy, to name a few. From the point of view of environmental, social, and economic, it means continuing to maintain good economic activities over a long period without destroying the global environment and without using too much of the resources.


Technology SBU (Former Professional Outsourcing SBU)

The Technology SBU contributes to the creation of a prosperous society through the power of people and technology. With PERSOL CROSS TECHNOLOGY at its core, the Technology SBU is engaged in businesses that includes not only temporary staffing in IT and engineering, but also the highly specialized areas of design, development and experiment of hardware and software, as well as business consulting.

Temporary job placement ahead of permanent employment

A program under which, after working as dispatched staffs for a certain period (not exceeding six months) on the condition that they will be employed as permanent or contract employees, individuals can officially opt for the employee status in the client companies upon agreement with them.

Temporary staffing

A work style in which an individual registers himself or herself with a staffing company, receives job offers, and works for a client company for a specified period as a temporary staff. Usually, an employment relationship with the staffing company only exists during the individual's engagement at the client company (dispatching under a definite-term contract). No employment relationship exists if and when the individual is not working as a temporary staff, but there is a good side to this: the individual can choose their job based on their preferences.


Unconscious bias

A prejudice which lurks in everyone's "unconscious" mind and is hard to notice. Unconscious prejudice.


Value creation story

A cycle of corporate activities and social contribution is designed as a "value creation story" in order to realize our group vision "Work, and Smile." It specifies our promises to the changing society, and our group will sophisticate and utilize our established sources of value creation to attain the growth of our business activities accordingly. This will increase both our social and economic values, and help us to create new values and attain SDGs.



A word originating from "benessere," a 16th century Italian word, which carries the concept of "being well" or "living well." Companies should not only be focused on pursuing profit for themselves; they are also strongly encouraged to realize well-being (a better state) in society and each of their employees.

Work, and Smile

A world which PERSOL wants to realize, and the PERSOL's group vision, which is presented to society.
The PERSOL Group believes that its mission is to interact with individuals with varying values and create a future when everyone in the world can "Work, and Smile."