Notification of Change in Management Structure and New Board of Directors
We hereby inform the following changes to our management structure and new executive structure effective April 1, 2023, which were approved at our Board of Directors' meeting today.
For the Record
1. Change of Management Structure
Prior to the announcement of our Mid-term Management Plan scheduled in coming May, we will change our management structure effective April 1st, 2023.
We aim to further enhance our corporate value through business activities in the five Strategic Business Units (SBU) of Staffing, BPO, Technology, Career, and Asia Pacific.<Background of Management Structure Change>
Amidst significant changes in the labor market and business environment, there is a growing need for Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services as a means of corporate sustainability and resolving human resource issues. The PERSOL Group will establish a new “BPO SBU” that brings together the Group’s experience and knowledge to meet the needs of our clients.
In addition, the current Professional Outsourcing SBU will be renamed the “Technology SBU” to strengthen the use of technology in the IT and engineering fields. The “R&D Function Unit (FU)” will explore med- to long-term business models.* The group structure that will go into effect on April 1, 2023
*1 PERSOL BPO Co., Ltd. will be established as a core company for the BPO SBU. PERSOL TEMPSTAFF CO., LTD.'s business (BPO Business Unit) also belongs to this SBU.
*2 Tempstaff Forum Co., Ltd., *3 e-staffing Co., Ltd. and *4 Benesse i-Career Co., Ltd. are not consolidated companies.
(Major consolidated subsidiaries and affiliates as of April 1, 2023.)2. New executive structure
Takao Wada
Representative Director, President and CEO
Hirotoshi Takahashi
Representative Director and Deputy President
Taro Mineo
Executive Officer CSO
Hirotaka Mino
Executive Officer CHRO
Yuta Tsuge
Executive Officer CIO/CDO
Junji Tokunaga
Executive Officer CFO
Kazunari Kimura
Executive Officer (Staffing SBU Lead)
Kazuyuki Ichimura*
Executive Officer (BPO SBU Lead)
Shinji Masaki
Executive Officer (Technology SBU Lead)
Yu Senoo
Executive Officer (Career SBU Lead)
Takayuki Yamazaki
Executive Officer (Asia Pacific SBU Lead)
Toshihiro Nagai
Executive Officer (R&D Function Lead)
* Newly appointed (Current Executive Officer of PERSOL TEMPSTAFF CO., LTD.)
Under this new structure, our entire group will come together and aim to achieve our group vision of “Work, and Smile”.
Since its founding in 1973, Tempstaff Co., Ltd. (now PERSOL TEMPSTAFF CO., LTD.) group companies have been involved in comprehensive human resources services by placing temporary and permanent staff in outsourcing services and career transition (outplacement) support. The holding company, formed in October 2008 as Temp Holdings Co., Ltd., changed its name to PERSOL HOLDINGS CO., LTD. in July 2017.
The company is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Prime Market (stock code 2181) and has recorded sales of 1,060.8 billion yen (fiscal year ended March 2022).