PERSOL HOLDINGS to Invest in Intellect Company Pte. Ltd.
Updated:February 28, 2022
The comprehensive personnel service provider PERSOL HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (based in Minato-ku Tokyo; President and CEO: Takao Wada, hereinafter “PERSOL ”) to invest in Intellect Company Pte. Ltd.(based in Singapore; CEO:Theodoric Chew, hereinafter “Intellect”), a mental health startup focused in APAC by providing self-directed mental wellness programs in 15 languages and online sessions therapy available through two channels: as an employee benefit and through Intellect’s consumer app. The investment was made via PERSOL VENTURE PARTNERS LLC (based in Minato-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Takeyuki Kato, former “PERSOL INNNOVATION FUND LLC”), who leads the group in investment to create new businesses and services through open innovation.
Purpose of Investment
PERSOL empathized with Intellect’s vision and the concept of their service, which has a high affinity to PERSOL’s core initiatives related to ‘Well‐being’. Intellect’s vision isn’t simply to be a self-care app or an employee benefits platform solely, but a full mental healthcare system for APAC That drives a differentiated approach in how they build their platform which caters from the smallest of daily struggles through self-guided programs, all the way to clinical therapy for chronic issues, which had made them one of the Y Combinator Alumni in 2021.
PERSOL will continue investing in innovative companies with technologies and/or services in the HR domain via PERSOL VENTURE PARTNERS to realize the PERSOL Group’s vision: “Work, and Smile.”
Overview of Intellect Company Pte. Ltd.
Company name
Intellect Company Pte. Ltd.
Theodoric Chew
October, 2019
Online Mental Wellness and Health Service
Reference: Overview of PERSOL VENTURE PARTNERS
Company name
Takeyuki Kato
1-15-5 Minami-aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
November, 2015
Corporate Venture Capital
About PERSOL HOLDINGS < https://www.persol-group.co.jp/en/>
Since its founding in 1973, Tempstaff Co., Ltd. (now PERSOL TEMPSTAFF CO., LTD.) group companies have been involved in a comprehensive human resources services—from placing temporary and permanent staff to outsourcing services and career transition (outplacement) support. The holding company, formed in October 2008 as Temp Holdings Co., Ltd., changed its name to PERSOL HOLDINGS CO., LTD. in July 2017.
The company is listed in the Tokyo Stock Exchange, First Section (stock code 2181) and recorded sales of 950,722 million yen (fiscal year ended March 2021).
Under the Group Vision “Work, and Smile,” the PERSOL Group engages in diverse services concerning people and organizations, which include temporary staffing service “Tempstaff,” career improvement service “doda,” IT-outsourcing, and design development.
We are also working on the next generation of innovations by integrating human resource services and technologies, offering services such as career improvement service “MIIDAS,” empowering of technology talent and construction support for DX organizations “TECH PLAY,” and a cloud-based mobile POS cashier “POS+.”